Steve & Nate @ 8

Steve & Nate @ 8

Friday, March 4, 2011

Top 8 things to do on Spring Break: 6-5

#6: Appalachia
So you’ve got this uncontrollable urge to change the world and be a pioneer of social justice? What can you do to satisfy this desire? How about Appalachia? Its fun (I assume), fulfilling (another assumption) and a great way to meet girls! (fact) It’s basically BC’s dating service. You can choose from many wonderfully exotic locations like “really close to Mexico but still Arizona!”, Nawlens Louisiana, and South Philly! Or if you’re in search of some extra roommates to fill out that 8-man in Vandy, look no further then social justice trips. So hop on that 10 to 24 hour bus ride with all of your future best friends and go save the world! According to my calculations…about 99% of your friends are doing it…why aren’t you?
#5 Road Trip
Every college student must take a road trip before graduation. Why not have it be during spring break. Grab a couple of Broskies and a couple of Brewskies and be on your way.
Things you will need:
1. A car (preferably a car with multiple rows of seats or lots of legroom)
2. A destination: You can choose to party it up with friends at another school. Keep in mind friends with beach/Ski houses are MONEYYYY. Be friends with those people.
3. Fooooood: So after the first few stops you will realize that eating a Cheesy Crunchwrap supreme for every meal is not nice to you or the rest of the passengers in the car. So I suggest having multiple sandwiches per person ready. Along with some Cheetos, a few poptarts, and a cooler full of sody pop….and you’ve got yourself a road trip
4. A camera: Never miss the opportunity to snap the picture of your friends asleep, leaning on eachother for support.

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